And no. We’re not being dramatic.
Tastes are personal in fashion, music, and especially in food. Because holy mackerel tastebuds vary.
AND YET, we as cooks, are trained to follow recipes as they are the gospel according to <insert famous chef or food personality or family member here>. EVEN if we have that gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.
Why do we tie ourselves to recipes dictated by the tastes of others instead of trusting ourselves? Because we don't trust. our. capacity. all. the. time.
So! Let's throw the recipes out the window, and learn to cook without them. And beautifully.
And yes, we will teach YOU how to do it! Cooking from the hip is not simply for the proverbial gods of the kitchen. It's for you.
We've taught over 2,000 humans online, and over 500 humans in-person how to do it. So we know YOU can do it too. We promise.