The Recipe-Free Revelation

A FREE, on-demand,  step-by-step masterclass on how to shift from cookbook co-dependant to recipe-free revolutionary

Recipes, as your sole way of cooking, need to Go

And no. We’re not being dramatic.

Tastes are personal in fashion, music, and especially in food.  Because holy mackerel tastebuds vary.  

AND YET, we as cooks, are trained to follow recipes as they are the gospel according to <insert famous chef or food personality or family member here>.  EVEN if we have that gene that makes cilantro taste like soap.

Why do we tie ourselves to recipes dictated by the tastes of others instead of trusting ourselves? Because we don't trust. our. capacity. all. the. time.  

So!  Let's throw the recipes out the window, and learn to cook without them. And beautifully.

And yes, we will teach YOU how to do it!  Cooking from the hip is not simply for the proverbial gods of the kitchen. It's for you.

We've taught over 2,000 humans online, and over 500 humans in-person how to do it.  So we know
YOU can do it too. We promise. 

In this 2 hour masterclass you will learn...
  • Why recipes often fail us, and how to approach cookbooks as reference texts rather than gospels according to Julia, Ina, or Alton
  • The myth of the perfect 'recipe'
  • A step-by-step method that will help you craft ANY dish or menu from scratch, using ingredients you have on hand.  
  • The importance of sourcing quality ingredients and the SIMPLE cooking hack that will elevate ANY recipe (yours or otherwise)

Quick Info?
  • Virtual Class.  On-Demand.  Watch from anywhere in the world. 
  • Yes, it's 100% free.
  • You'll have access to it until Saturday March 6th at Midnight Eastern time.  
  • Invite whoever you'd like.  The more the merrier.  

Should you sign up? 
The short answer?  YES!

This free course is perfect for....

  • Anyone with a genuine interest in cooking. Really. We welcome adept cooks that want to dig deeper and folks who sweat boiling water.
  • A curious creature interested in fostering a connection between cooking and personal capacity (it's a thing)
  • Someone that’s tired of cooking. The same dish(es). Over and over. And wants to spice up how they approach cooking.   
  • Someone who HATES to cook and would like to shift that hate because...Takeout options are getting boring during this pandemic
  • Homecooks who are incredible at cooking and just want to approach cooking in a new, and joyful way

If you answered YES to one of these things?  Then this free workshop is 100% up your alley.  And you should thee to a session!


Cooking, like any other skill, is one that requires patience and practice. 

At Okay Perfect! we have developed a recipe-free mindset AND method to help you not only become a better cook, but a more mindful human being. We get that sounds a bit witchy woo-ey (it is), but it’s the truth.

Let’s be honest, we all enjoy excelling at something, and as a southern fast food chain used to say, “You gotta eat”.  So you might as well be damn good at feeding yourself and others. 

Nice things people have said about us during our classes....
About Kendall Lane & Makenna Held

Kendall and Makenna met on the first day of Le Cordon Bleu, and immediately there was a 'knowing' between them. For years, the two went their separate ways, until they joined forces for a charcuterie business (launching in 2022), and since Makenna already ran a cooking school?  They decided to teach together TOO!

Kendall has been working in kitchens since she was a teenager. Before that, she used to outrun alligators on her bicycle en route to school on Sanibel Island. She studied at Cordon Bleu, mais oui!  BUT She bred pigs to make specific types of sausage and charcuterie. Suffice to say, her butchery skills are on point. She also worked as a sous chef in a Michelin-starred restaurant set up in an old church in rural France. She has plenty of knowledge and she’s really great at sharing it. 

Makenna’s first favorite food was escargot. She became interested in cooking when she was in France as an exchange student. At Smith College, she bought a food share from a local CSA and cooked big meals for her house and theater productions. She’s also earned money winning beer chugging contests in Cambodia, taught Economics classes, built several six figure businesses and birthed a magnificent human named Magnolia.

As seen in

Join the recipe-free revolution.

It may not be televised, but it sure as heck is gonna be delicious.


Copyright 2019-2021 Okay, Perfect.  
